Before you make the final decision to hire your chosen inspector, make sure you grab a copy of their home inspection report first! This is NOT the time to have a poor-quality inspection conducted on one of the largest investments you’ll make.
Comparing home inspection reports with other inspectors in the Atlanta area will allow you to at least know how thorough your home inspection will be when compared with other inspector reports. There’s no sense in hiring an inspector whose only interest is to collect a check and walk around the house for an extended period of time to give you the impression he’s doing something.
A quality, thorough, and experienced home inspector could potentially prevent you from purchasing a nightmare home… one full of expenses and repairs! And it pays to know beforehand how thorough the inspector is.
The top home inspectors in today’s business don’t produce handwritten reports. A professional inspector will provide you with a combination of a checklist and a narrative report. The report should not contain repair costs or action plans for repairs. Home Inspectors inspect — they don’t repair and any inspector that makes repairs should always be avoided due to the conflict of interest in that situation.